%For details on how to use AMS TeX please see:
%M. D. Spivak, A Gourmet Guide to typesetting with AMS TeX macro package,
%American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 1990

\input amstex


%Put your local definitions here, for example
%\define\MyNewCommand#1{This is my new command #1}


This is the title of your talk or paper

A. U. Thor

This is your address.
For every co-author should be given separately.

This is your current address.
It is not necessary if the current address councides with the address.

Here you put the e-mail address
For every co-author should be given separately.

Here you put the date when you sent this file.

%AMS Math Subject Classifications
Primary ?????, ?????;
Secondary ?????, ?????

Here you put the abstract of your paper.

Here you put the thanks to sponsors if any.



%Here your text starts.
%Below are some examples on how to type mathematics.
%Please run AMS TeX to see how does it look like.

First level head

Second level head

Third level head

\proclaim {Theorem 1}
If $a=b$ then $b=a$.

\remark {Remark 1}
Theorem 1 is valid for $a=0$ and $b=0$.

\demo {Proof of Theorem 1}
The proof is obvious.

\definition {Definition 1}
A number $n$ is called positive if $n>0$.

\example {Example 1}
Any natural number is positive.

\head Displayed formula \endhead


\head Gather \endhead

1+2+\dots+n=\frac {n(n+1)}2.

\head Align \endhead



%Here your list of references starts.
%Below are two examples of how to type references.

\no 1
\by A. U. Thor
\yr 2002
\book The title of the book
\publ The name of the publishers
\publaddr The address of the publishers

\no 2
\by A. U. Thor
\yr 2002
\paper The title of the paper
\jour The name of the journal
\vol 1
\issue 2
\pages 3--4

